How to Write an Awesome Blog Post in 5 Steps

How to Write an Awesome Blog Post in 5 Steps

How to Write an Awesome Blog Post in 5 Steps, Writing a blog post is a little like driving; you can study the highway code (or read articles telling you how to write a blog post) for months, but nothing can prepare you for the real thing like getting behind the wheel and hitting the open road. Or something.

How to Write a Blog Post in Five Easy Steps

Step 1: Planning

Writing a blog post is a process that takes time, more than a couple of hours. Even if you can type eighty words per minute and your writing skills are sharp, from the seed of the blog post idea to finally hitting “Publish,” you might spend several days or maybe even a week “writing” a blog post. Spend those vital hours planning your post and thinking about it before you actually write it.

Choosing a Topic

One key to a great blog post is selecting a topic that genuinely interests you. Your enthusiasm as a writer is crucial. No fun for the writer means no fun for the reader. Even if you're blogging for a less-than-exciting industry, find aspects that interest you to make your writing engaging.

Writing an Outline

Outlines are like roadmaps for great blog posts. They don't need to be lengthy or detailed, just a rough guide to ensure you stay on track and don't ramble on. Whether you use your word processor, a piece of paper, or a bar napkin, keep yourself focused with an outline.

Do Your Research

Professional bloggers often dive into topics they don't initially know much about. Proper research is crucial. Use authoritative sources like official associations, government websites, and industry experts. Question everything and approach every source with journalistic skepticism.

Check Your Facts

Accuracy is paramount. Avoid relying solely on Wikipedia and choose authoritative sources. Your credibility is at stake, and misinformation can impact your audience's trust. If you make a mistake, own up to it transparently and correct it.

Step 2: Write a Great Headline

Headlines matter. They can be specific or abstract, but they should resonate with your audience. Experiment and find what works for your readers. Consider your audience's preferences, and if they enjoy specific case studies, deliver them.

Choosing Headlines for Your Audience

Tailor your headlines to your audience's preferences. Specific headlines work well for providing actionable advice, while question-based headlines can be effective if they genuinely interest your readers.

Experiment with Headlines

Don't be afraid to experiment with different headline approaches. What works for others may not work for your audience. Keep testing and adapting based on the response you get.

Step 3: Draft Your Post

Whether you write your entire draft in one sitting or chip away gradually, find what works for you. Writing becomes easier with practice, so maximize your writing sessions. If you struggle with the introduction, write it last.

Read Aloud for Flow

Reading your post aloud helps check the flow. If it sounds awkward, it likely reads awkwardly in your reader's mind. Ensure your sentences roll off the tongue smoothly.

Have Someone Else Read Your Work

Get a friend or colleague with editing experience to proof your work. Their fresh perspective can offer insights into the overall flow and structural clarity of your piece.

Keep Sentences and Paragraphs Short

Break up your text with images. Short sentences and paragraphs are more reader-friendly. Avoid huge walls of text, making your post visually appealing and easier to digest.

Step 4: Add Images Effectively

Images are crucial for engaging readers. They break up text, add humor, and simplify complex topics. Use visuals such as diagrams, charts, infographics, and tables to enhance understanding.

Visual Punchlines

Well-chosen images can add humor to your posts, especially when dealing with dry or boring topics. Injecting humor can make your content more enjoyable for readers.

Step 5: Edit Your Blog Post

Editing is a challenging but essential step. Use tools like Grammarly for grammar checks, but also focus on the overall structure and cohesion of your post. Accept that no post is perfect.

Avoid Repetition

Check for repetition of words or phrases in your post. Identify your crutch word and use it judiciously to maintain variety in your writing.

Read Your Post Aloud

Reading your post aloud helps identify awkward sentences and ensures a smooth flow. Force yourself to read your work to catch any wordy bottlenecks.

Don't Be Afraid to Make Cuts

Your outline is a guide, not a commandment. Don't be afraid to make cuts or adapt on the fly. If a section doesn't work, be ruthless and remove it to enhance the overall quality of your post.